Full lace-wigs represent the most modern technology for hair loss in the world.
They look very natural and almost undetectable.
Full-laced wigs with lace are lightweight and very comfortable.
They can be styled any way that suits you, such as in a low ponytail, a cornrow braid, or a messy up-doglueless human hair wigs.
It’s the most beautiful and natural hair-replacement system you can imagine.
Three (3) characteristics are key to a high quality full-laced wig.
-The Hair density
-The Manufacture method
-The Hair Tieing method
The hair density affects the look of a full lace-style wig.
The hair texture will affect the percentage. It can vary from synthetic hair (kanekylon) to human hair (Indian Remy), Chinese virgin hair (or European hair) and, also, depending on how full lace wigs are worn (straight, curly, curly, kinky or deep wave style, body wave style, etc.
A lower percentage of hair density than 130% can show one’s scalp, making it appear unreal.
A hair density of more than 150% is considered too dense and too heavy. It will appear unrealistic. This hair density is most commonly used to create heavy theatrical-style wigs.
A wig’s manufacturing method indicates whether it is hand-made with every hair in place by a skilled wig maker or whether several hairs are placed at once, in the lace caps base by an automated machine.
- c) The hair knotting method, meaning whether or not, each hair strand, that has been inserted in the lace cap base, has been double-knotted, in order to provide durability, and avoid excessive shedding when combing/brushing/washing/drying the full lace wig, which will ensure a long life span of the hair unit.
However, the final look of the double-knotted process clearly shows all the knotted strands of hair near the scalp.
If the hair color of the lace caps base is not the same, the knots may not be visible.
However, knots that are darker in hair than lace colors will show up more clearly.
Bleaching, a technique to reduce the appearance of knots, is used.
Bleaching the hair knots in a full length lace wig can lighten the knots so that each strand blends seamlessly with the lace. It will look just like natural hair growing from your scalp.